So when you think of music, what comes to mind? For us at House of Solo its the combination of vocal and instrumental freedom, the production of beautiful harmonies and the expression of emotion. In this issue our focus was to celebrate and elevate the sound of music in and around our environment today. We hear from the voices that are catapulting in the industry as we speak, Ella Mai, J Hus, The Vamps and Lil Yachty, all complimenting the music that we hear in so many different ways and with each interview we have explored a part of an artist that has not been exposed to the media yet. From Ella Mai’s candid reaction to her first magazine cover, to the celebration of London’s culture and vibe recognised by rapper J Hus.
This issue claims and exceeds expectation when it comes to combining the different musical waves we live by, taking music from all over the country with Northern DJ’s Toddla T and Icarus to the reminiscent sound of So Solid Crew, we bring together the voices that sound our generation. Not only the voices we hear but the industry that it is played through, with profiles exploring and explaining the difficulties that can exist within the industry as quoted to be “ an inspiration to be one of the few voices who will reach the surface; and be heard in a pool of thousands of drowning voices”.
In our Autumn issue we introduce the power of our ‘Pathways to Success feature’, that explores the importance of art and its need to reach the people rather than the money and success behind it. Defining the importance of success, we talk to artists that are all at different stages of their career from the beginnings of studio sessions to the meaning behind their personal success. Coming into contact with artists such as itsNate, Desta French, Kyla, Lil Peep and Lotto Boyz, we re-define the importance of the industry with a personal touching success. Not only are we carrying movement through the voice this issue but also through the body as we explore the form in our editorials, with incredible features from art curator Michael Stockless and his ‘Featherweight’ series to the movement and colour in ‘Candid Bird’. In this issue we really have pushed the boundaries with exploration of movement and sound and we hope our vision is expressed through every page.