HOUSE OF SOLO Love Issue - Metro Cover S/S 2018 (Digital)
Welcome to House of Solo’s ‘love’ issue for Spring/Summer 2018. You’re probably wondering what’s happened to the magazine: that extra weight you’re handling is the result of nearly 100 extra pages that have been lovingly incorporated. That’s 100 pages more of slick photography, fashion-styling innovations, and insights into creative people’s lives.
Who are some of those creatives? We’ve singer Freya Ridings talking to Francesca Tirpak about her ‘lightening-bolt moments’, and Adam French’s guitar obsession; actor Marcus Scribner’s inspiring philanthropy, and fellow actor Karamo Brown’s ‘culturally relevant conversations’. Find out the type of person Tove Styrke is yearning to work with - and be humbled by the story of one singer-songwriter who signed a deal, before losing the deal, before being made homeless, before signing a deal again…
Underlying all these interviews and photoshoots is the idea of love: that emotion that compels us to do things we can’t ultimately explain but which we’re passionate about. The emotion that jettisons singers onto an often raw songwriting plain, where their love for music compels them to open up to all their personal experiences. Why do actors immerse themselves in an industry that has supreme peaks and deep troughs? Because of a compulsion to act, fuelled by love.
Find what you love doing, and who you love doing it with, and share that love around. It’s the only way to move on in this mad, mad world.
House of Solo, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways: you’ve over 300 pages of glossy goodness and nearly 40 interviews in one print-perfect package... Here’s to magazine amore.